

A:Mark,do you like tea or Coffee? I can call my workmate to prepare in advance.


B: Coffee, thank you.

A:OK.Mark,Do you know something about our Chinese tea?你知道中国的茶么?

B:I know oolong tea.I went to Fujian before. It is called "Tie".. 我知道乌龙茶,之前去过福建,是铁 .

A: Tie Guan Yin, right? B: Right, that's it.

A: That is my favourite tea. 那是我的最爱。

Tie Guanyin(Iron Goddess tea in Anxi安溪铁观音)is an oolong tea with a fresh and mellow taste. lt is good tea for summer.


B:Yes, it tastes good. How many kinds of tea in China?是的,很美味,在中国有多少种茶?

A:According to the degree of fermentation, our Chinese tea can be roughly classified into six kinds, green tea, yellow tea, white tea, oolong tea, dark tea, and black tea.


B:I see. 明白了

A:Green tea is one of the most common tea we can see in our daily life, it is also called unfermented tealt keeps the original color of the tea leaves without fermentation during processing.绿茶是我们日常生活中最常见的茶,也叫未发酵的茶。它在制作过程中没有发酵,保持着原始的茶叶颜色。

Mark, did you try West Lake Longjing Tea(West Lake Dragon well) before? it is known as China's top-rated tea.


B:No,Ididn't,but I tried Biluochun (Green Spiral) in Suzhou, it taste good.没有,但是我试过苏州洞庭碧螺春,挺好的。

A:That is China's second favorite imperial tea. 他是中国第二大喜欢的御茶。

lf you are in Suzhou, you can have a cup of tea and enjoy the beautiful garden view.如果你在苏州,你可以喝着茶并欣赏着美丽的园林

B: Yes, that must be great.是的,那一定太棒了

Another Green tea,Yellow Mountain Furry Tip is also very famous. We have some in our office, you can try.另外一种绿茶,黄山毛尖也很出名,我们办公室有一些,你可以试试。

B: Nice. 很好。

A: About yellow tea, silver Needle in Hunan Provinceis is very famous.关于黄茶,湖南君山银针也很有名,

lt is in the list of top ten tea in some version of the imperial list.Yellow was the imperial color and Silver Needle is a yellow tea. 它在某些版本的皇室清单里排前十。黄色是帝王的颜色,银针是黄茶。

About black tea, Keemun Black is very famous. It is in Huangshan, Anhui Province 关于红茶,祁门红茶也很有名,在安徽黄山。

About darktea, Yunnan Pu'er tea is famous type of dark pressed tea, it taste special, but it is very good to stomach.关于黑茶,云南普洱茶是很有名的压缩的黑茶味道特别,但是对胃很好。

We also have some famous flower tea. Yellow Mountain Tribute is the best chrysanthemum tea 我们也有一些有名的花茶,(安徽)黄山贡菊是最好的菊花茶。

Another is Jasmine tea, Bejing's favorite, using jasmine flowers mixed with green tea. The best jasmine tea is produced in Fujian Province. 另一个茉莉花茶北京人的最爱,用茉莉花和绿茶混在一起。最好的茉莉花茶产于福建。

B: Fujian produce a lot of tea.

A: Yeah, a kind of White tea named “silver needle white”, is also produced in Fujian Province.

B: Nice, I want to buy some and send to my friends. 我想买点送我的朋友。
